Springfield Station Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
Annual Maintenance Assessment
for the Period June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025
The Springfield Station Homeowners’ Association (SSHOA) Board of Directors (Board) has set the 2024-25 annual maintenance assessment (dues) to $132.00 per house. This represents a $4.00 (3.13%) increase per unit. The increase serves the purpose of securing the long-term viability of the Capital Improvement Fund following the refurbishment of the Sport Court. Refer to Covenants for Maintenance Assessment in the section Terms & Conditions.
Annual Assessment $132.00
The Association levies an annual assessment for expenses related to the common areas (path and sports courts).
Mini-court owners
Additional Mini-Court Assessment $24.00
bringing your total to: $ 156.00
An additional assessment is levied on owners who live on a mini-court. These funds are held in a separate account and are used exclusively for the maintenance of your mini-court common property as decided by the homeowners on that mini-court.
Paying by Check
Download and print remittance form. Fill in your details. Mail your check to:
Springfield Station HOA
c/o Andrew Segerman
Springfield, VA 22153
Paying by Credit Card

If you pay by credit card there is a convenience fee to cover the costs incurred by the HOA:
If you pay by credit card the total due if you do not live on a mini-court: $136.25 ($4.25 convenience fee)
If you pay by credit card the total due if you live on a mini-court: $160.97 ($4.97 convenience fee)
Credit cards – 2.9% +$0.30 per transaction
Don’t live on a mini-court or don’t know what a mini-court is? Use these:
Paying by credit card:

Live on a mini-court? Use these:
Paying by credit card:

When is my payment due?
Please pay by June 30, 2024 or contact us (dues@springfieldstationhoa.org) to make other arrangements.
Terms & Conditions
Covenants for Maintenance Assessments
Discussed at Annual General Membership Meetings for each of the past three years the amount collected from the annual assessments will not cover inflation costs in our Capital Improvement/Maintenance Plan (CIP). The Board committed that it would continue to refine and adjust the CIP and adjust the amount of the annual dues as necessary. The Board is operating under authority of the Restrictive Covenants of the Springfield Station Homeowners’ Association, Article VI: Covenants for Maintenance Assessments, Section 3, Item (a), that allows the Board of Directors to increase the annual assessment by an amount not to exceed the greater of 3% or the percentage of increase in the Washington area Consumer Price Index (CPI), which was 3.6%.
Mini-Court Fee
In accordance with the Association Covenants (Restrictive Covenants, Article IV, Section C), if your property is part of a mini-court within our homeowners’ association an annual mini-court fee of $24.00 is collected in addition to the annual assessment. The owners within each mini-court share the responsibility of the maintenance, replacement, repair, and benefit of the easement area within each mini-court. The mini-court fees are placed in a special account to be used only by the members of that mini-court. Disposition of these funds is at the sole discretion of those property owners.
Failure to Pay the Annual Assessment
Any assessment that is not paid within 60 days of the due date shall be assessed a 5% fee (Virginia Code § 55.1-1824, § 58.1-3915). If a homeowner fails to pay their assessment after 90 days the Association is obligated to obtain a lien in accordance with the provisions of the Property Owners’ Association Act as set forth in Chapter 18 (§ 55.1-1833. The homeowner is responsible for all costs associated with this process.